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Monday, December 28, 2015

Raiders Chargers Carson NFL LA Stadium Will Price Out Raider Nation

The proposed Raiders Chargers NFL LA Stadium will be too expensive for Raider Nation to afford. Personal Seat Licenses of $15,000 and luxury box average costs of $200,000 and north are levels Raider fans have not seen. Indeed considering the highest-in-America underemployment rate in Los Angeles, there is nothing to suggest that LA is able to support the pricing structure that has been established. It's once thing to be able to secure a $400 million naming rights agreement but teams only use part of that for stadium construction - ticket prices are adjusted to help pay for seat licenses. Plus, there's no indication a $700 million naming rights agreement deal can be done a second time around and look: no one has stepped up to do one as of now! Carson will be the most expensive stadium ever built in NFL History and for a region that has gone untested with respect to ticket prices and teams. If I were the Raiders and Chargers and the NFL, I would ask is the risk of losing my fan base worth it? Because that is what will happen. If it's approved. Stay tuned and read my report here:



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